The evening started off with an introduction, followed by kirtan by Hazoori Jatha from Harmandir Sahib, Amritsar. Sadly, I do not remember the shabad that Bhai sahib ji sang, probably owed to the fact that the evening was one enveloped with emotion. Not sure I can remember any of it accurately! Nevertheless, I put on my bravest face, clasping Gurch’s hand as tightly as I could, and fought back the tears. I don’t like crying, especially in public.

Dr Shrikala Warrier read a beautiful poem written by her husband Dr Gopi Warrier. The poem has been posted below.

This was followed by lovely young girl playing the dilruba. Most beautiful sounds resonating in the vastness of the building. She dint know my father, but there was such a humble sweet look in her face, she came up to me afterwards to say how sorry she was about dad. I hope to see her again sometime, and thank her again for the evening.

dakhnee! south indian style music with the dholki etc you will find that some raags in Guru Granth Sahib are dakhnee! :)
south indian flavour!
Thanks for that Jatt. I have heard it before (i think profs CD?)
Listen cutey, i is sooooo sorry, really, i feel soooo bad! Im the lowest of the low! :o(
I appreciate your kind words Angad Ji. He was the Bestest. Thank you.
Yes it was a mridangam, not a pakhaawaj Paaji.
lol! yeah who said dholki! dumb dumb! (get me in trouble) lol! yeah he was the bestest daddy! and still is init! :)
How we are remembered by people is so important, your dad certainly left a legacy for us all to cherish.
Guroo Ang sang
THanks everyone! ;o)
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