Heaven on a plate!
Hope you have an absolutly CHOCOLICIOUS day!!
Big hugs and kisses and lots of chocolatey sweet love!
I know its tomorrow - but I can't really blog on weekends. x
This site is a tribute to my dad - my hero, my best mate, my guru and now.........my guardian angel. God needed him more....
Heaven on a plate!
Hope you have an absolutly CHOCOLICIOUS day!!
Big hugs and kisses and lots of chocolatey sweet love!
I know its tomorrow - but I can't really blog on weekends. x
Heaven on a plate!
Hope you have an absolutly fantastic day!
Big hugs and kisses!
As my right arm finally regains consciousness, I am finally able to muster a word or two about the cause of my appendage related misery.
What started off as an unusually placid weekend turned into a barmy up-to-no-good weekend! (Why is it that the claim “oh I have nothing planned for the weekend” on Fridays turns into “you wont believe what I did over the weekend” on Mondays).
Anyway, on with the saga.
Act 1 scene 1:
So, off we went to watch Handsome Handsome Holy Himmat (otherwise known as Quadruple H) play against Redbridge & Ilford (by the way, check out the http://www.plashethc.co.uk/home.htm website).
Plashet totally thrashed the opposing team, a sweet 7 – 0, no doubt thanks to my superb cheerleading and banner brandish. Although, strangely enough Himmat seemed to avoid me throughout that evening. I mean – I did an excellent job of shouting some really well rehearsed slogans! Hmph!
After the game a certain tingling in the cerebral pits threateningly conjured up the idea of reliving my past (I WAS vice-captain of my school hockey team I’ll have you know!) and shoot some rounds on the pitch. This, as I realised later, should have been filed under “no, HELL NO!”. 5 minutes later, my rusty ol body realised my hockey playing days were over – the fat lady’s done her riyaaz, said her fateh and is on a plane to the Bahamas to retire.
Act 1 Scene 2:
After all the cheerleading and that intense 5min of hockey, I thought id oil my vocal cords with a nice round of samosas, spring rolls and darling selection of tarts. I deserved it!
The game was sooo one sided, the Plashet goal keeper was actually seen snoozing on the pitch! These pics were taken during the game, the poor guy was so bored he decided to catch up on his beauty sleep!
Act 2 Scene 1:
Yup! You guessed it – when I awoke the next morning someone had replaced by right arm with a timber log. And No – this time, it wasn’t an excuse to get out of doing the house work. That 5minutes of hockey took its toll!
Act 2 Scene 2:
Some bright pipsqueak thought it would be a good idea to play a game of golf! Aha not one game – but two!
These two cant keep their hands off each other! awww...true love! ;o)
I don't even want to know what the one standing behind them is thinkin(or doing, Jat and Himmi have some rather happy smiles!!!!) !!!
Baljit Singh, Gurmeet Singh, Sarab Singh and Jatinder Singh.