Just one look at them puts me in a state of pure anand.
Why does Birmingham have to be so far?????!!!!!
Check out this article - slightly lenghthy. Nonetheless, well worth the read.
This is one of Babaji's many traits that I highly revere.
He has broken from the mould and gone forth on an international level - not only to the usual places like Canada, US, Kenya, etc. Not only has he diverged on a geographical scale, he has reached out to the masses and embraced humanity as a whole.
His message is of unity and oneness - regardless of the chosen path, the destination is the same.
Inspiring article, I'd love to go there myself one day.
Have fun in Egypt :)
Baba Ji are truly amazing, :) we have all been blessed by meeting them. pure anand :)
p.s the trip to birmingham is minor from london considering we get to meet Baba Ji. people come from all over the world.
learn to drive woman ;) ehehe.
God Bless.
birmingham aint far at all! its in your mind heart and soul just like the so called "darbar" sahib!! the real darbar is inside!
aw three lovely people with three lovely points!
SKS (SK Sis) - thanks - the offer still stands! you are more than welcome to join us! :o)
Jaspal Ji - We are truly truly blessed! Babaji is the BESTEST! :o)
Jat Mini Sant Ji - you are right! I dont have to go far at all - it is all inside me! :o)
nanak daas ehay sukh maangay
moh ko kar santan kee dhoorhay
How beautiful bhenji, I always found it so humbling to end our last prayer of the day with those words.
GuruJi's bani emancipates nothing but beauty
Thank you Satvinder Ji for your sweet comments
I agree with SK, an inspiring article. Babaji sounds like a remarkable man. Wish I could meet him one day. (-:
We have much to learn from him. In one meeting he conveyed a sense of nimarta and saadgee that will stay with me forever. Just one meeting and just one lesson.
Well said Satvinder Ji - 'we have much to learn from him'.
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