They will be doing kirtan in Karamsar Gurdwara from Thursday 21st - Sunday 24th Dec. Then from Monday 1st to Sunday 7th Jan.
If dad were here, he'd go crazy and probably follow them round the country! hehe!
I remember when they came to Kenya, dad would get up early in the morning and load up all his equipment to record their Asa-di-war.
He recorded all their kirtan while they were in Kenya - I still listen to his tapes (yes tapes, no CD's back then!) nearly every morning.
Brings back some nice warm memories.
Dad has a massive collection of his recordings, must get Himmat to put them onto something more permanent.
Dad has always had a keen interest in raag kirtan. I wonder if I ask Gurmeet Singh Ji nicely if he'll do a shabad dedicated to my daddy?? hmmnn...
Yo singh, If its possible can u record all/some of thier Diwans while they r here, honestly, i would be gratefull beyond words
I bet you have some pretty amazing tapes. It would be great to get them in digital format and put them on the net. I was just thinking today how I can't listen to other music even if I try, because raag kirtan is the ultimate and every thing else sounds so lame in comparison.
its from 7th jan till 14th! lol!
Singh Ji, im a Kaur, not a Singh :o)
They were some recordings of the diwans, both video and audio. Will see what I can do to put em up.
Prabhu Ji, the tapes are AMAZING! My brother Himmat Singh is always promising me to put them on digital format. One day...!
Sorry Jat, they changed the dates didnt they!
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